Ages : 5 to 6
The Ultimate Brain Development Course For Pre-Schooler
Creativity and Thinking Skills Designed For Pre-Schooler To Enable Them To Have Fun and Learn How To Think Using GeniusBrain’s Proven Thinking Keys!

Capture and remember colours of the object. To capture numbers in their right order through photographic memory skills. To capture pictures and numbers in the correct order.
To identify and spot the differences. To capture the image and recall correctly. To capture the picture and spot the correct one. To capture images fast and able to recall correctly in sequence.
Capture the different parts of colours and recall correctly. Remember people and their names and recall correctly. Practice listening and spot the right picture. Able to capture all the pictures flashed by listening a short story and recall it.
Capture the highlighted area and able to recall. To be able to capture selected pictures-words and recall in order. To be able to capture and recall pictures in order
Latest New Themes in CRETS 2021 Version based on STEM foundation
- Recognize objects despite different in orientation or detail.
- Develop stability and consistency in the visual world.
- Recognition of forms and objects as the same in various positions and sizes.
- Good visual perceptions skills prepare your child for formal learning.
- Complete concentration children’s mind.
- Keeps them focused and avoids distrations.
- Independent activity.
- Learn about Shadows & Matching.
- Develop formation skills.
- Improve concentration.
- Train visual memory.
- Increase short memory and long term memory.
- Increase attention to details.
- Increase Memory Power
- Increase Whole Brain Activities
- Perfecting observation skills
- Strengthens Neural Pathway
- Heightened communication between conscious and subconscious
- Enrich photographic memory abilities
- Improve creativity
- Brain hemispheric balancing
Curriculum Details
Different type of thinking keys to stimulate thinking abilities. We provide a total of 12 sets of thinking keys to help children to learn thinking in an informal way. Through the thinking keys, children will be able to identify others emotion and think of various ways to interpret information receive. Children can share their ideas and opinions about a certain simulated event.
Develop child abilities to focus on details. Observation will enhance children’s focusing power. Through systematic guidance, students will be able to observe in details certain information available at pictorials shown by their facilitator. Observation of colours and symbol will also be taught for students to enhance their memory skills at the nick of time!
Discrete fingers exercises that stimulate the whole brain mode. Research has shown that the left hand fingers will stimulate our right brain and the right hand fingers will stimulate our left brain. When students exercise their fingers, indirectly this move is seem to exercise their brain too. In this section we have various finger exercise moves to stimulate the whole brain because participants will be using both hands for this finger exercise technique.
This is a common exercise for children to train their brain speed in capturing information. At a glimpse, students will differentiate the numbers of dots quantities. This will boost the participants subconscious ability to differentiate the numbers of dots which they saw!
Stimulate students’ eyes focusing power by having some eyes exercise to remove eyes strain. This will enhance students Eyes Focusing power during the lesson for them gain more information and at the same time relax their eyes.
Innovative structured exercises to enhance cognitive skills using the innovative CRETS learning materials. Students will use these exercises to train their thinking and have fun while doing it.
Refine student’s photographic memory competency. During these exercises, student’s photographic memory skills will be trained by using various enhanced set of auto speed in our video session. Various type of Simulated Speed Pictures will be displayed via Video and students will be required to recall back what they have glimpse in the speed of less than a second! Believe us, your child will love it! This comes together with a white board session.
Affinity methods for remembering easily. Students will be taught basic memory methods to help them remember more thing easily by using easy Mnemonic methods. This step will help to build student’s confidence in their own memory power!
Actual CRETS Class

- Ages 5 to 6 years
- Able to follow instructions
- Able to recognise colours
- Able to draw simple lines and shapes
- Able to write simple letters and numbers
- Able to spend 45 minutes per week
- Duration is minimum 1 year and maximum 2 years


