Ages : 7 to 12
Cultivate Practical Thinking Skills For Your School-Going Children
Thinking Skills Designed For Primary School Students To Enable Them To Use Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) In Helping Them To Cope With Their School Lessons Which Required Them To Think And Give Their Personal Input!
Better thinking simulation, better brain’s Neuron Connections!
15 minutes instant results! in helping primary school going children to have new thinking abilities!

Mr. K. W. Chin
Our PRiTS Master Trainer, Mr. K.W. Chin conducted an Immediate Results Test designed by Dr. Hooi to a group of 18 students. Each student needs to answer a simple question before the start of a PRiTS session. Each student are shown a picture of a crying baby. They were asked to write anything they can think of from the picture. A few minutes later, all of them gave the same answer. ‘A baby is crying’*.
After Mr. Chin conducted a PRiTS lesson to each of them, all of them are able to have new neuron connection and connect the crying baby to various reasons for their crying, locations the baby is crying etc. This time, each of them are able to give different answers for the same question! All this changes in their thinking happened in less than 20 minutes through PRiTS structured thinking course! We can now create new thinking abilities in children. Best of all, its now 100% Proven!

Solving Skills

other learner’s

Ability to create
creative answers

Evaluation of
picture and scenarios


See different or
similarities pattern
in IQ questions
Activate participant’s brain through finger exercise. Discrete fingers exercises that stimulate the whole brain mode. Research has shown that the left hand fingers will stimulate our right brain and the right hand fingers will stimulate our left brain. When students exercise their fingers, indirectly this move is seem to exercise their brain too. In this section we have various finger exercise moves to stimulate the whole brain because participants will be using both hands for this finger exercise technique.
In this session, participants will learn PRITS 12 Thinking Keys. Thinking Keys are methods to help participants to think creatively and provide the avenue for them to expand their thinking horizon. Its a structural system that enable participants to see various solutions to a problem and encourages them to use different approaches in their study.
ANALYTIC KEY – Coaching participants to be analytic and analyse scenarios.
VARIATION KEY – Create numerous solutions to solve a problem.
SCENARIO KEY – Enable participants to identify actual scenarios.
WHAT IF KEY – Create plan when facing certain dilemma.
RIDICULOUS KEY – Can be real or only creative suggestions.
DIFFERENT USES KEY – Map to discover alternative views.
EMOTION ACTION KEY – Learn to evaluate other person’s emotion.
ALTERNATIVE KEY – Enable participants to suggest and look into their suggestions.
COMBINATION KEY – Participants originate new ideas by new combination.
REVERSE KEY – Learn to see things the other way round.
INTERPRETATION KEY – Interpret various conditions differently by accepting different view.
BRAINSTORMING KEY – Utilise various experience and ideas.
- Develop problem solving skills
- Improve cognitive skills
- Encourage creativity in everyday task
Participants will be given various IQ Questions to increase their Think Out Of The Box ability. Our experience shown that initially, student’s IQ Questions problem solving skills at the beginning is low. After going through various guidance and practise and logical sequence, participants ability to handle the tasks increased!

- Age 7 to 12 years
- Able to listen and follow simple instructions
- Able to perform basic mathematical calculations
- Able to spend 1.5 hours per week
- Duration is ONE YEAR